
Password Guidelines

DO's ()

  • Your password should be at least 10 characters in length, the longer the better. This is the most important security factor.
  • Never use any words that can be found in a dictionary (like Password). It does not matter if the dictionary is English or any other language.
  • Do not use the same password more than once.
  • Try to use a random set of upper and lower case characters, digits and symbols (eg. Pk@2!gfIp&:5dYa)
  • Use a Password Generator to create your password.

DON'Ts ()

  • Don't simply add a single (or double) digit or symbol before or after a word. (eg. password11 or password!)
  • Don't just repeat the word. (eg. passwordpassword or passwordpasswordpassword)
  • Don't use combinations that are very common. (eg. qwerty, asdfgh or 123456)
  • Don't just replace certain letters with numbers. (eg. passw0rd)
  • Don't use passwords based on personal information such as: name, nickname, birthdate, wife's name, pet's name, friends name, home town, phone number, social security number, car registration number, address etc. This includes using just parts of your name, or part of your birth-date.
  • Don't use passwords which are based on names of objects. (eg. car, mouse, keyboard, telephone, printer)
  • Don't use your account name, address, username, social media profile name, email etc.
  • Don't use words that are part of the website's name (eg. meeztech, amazon, ebay).

Password Creation ()

  • Use the first letter of each word from a random sentence of a book (see examples below).
  • Include commas, periods and punctuation much like in the original.
  • Add one or more digits in your new password.
  • Use a strong Password Generator.
  • Example 1:

    Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 4)
    Sentence: Now mother, what’s the matter?

    Take the first letter of each word and each symbol in the sentence:
    Password: Nm,w'stm?

    Since the sentence does not include any numbers, we will insert two additional random digits:
    Password: Nm3,w'st4m?
  • Example 2:

    Sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!

    Take the first letter of each word and each symbol in the sentence:
    Password: Tqbfjotld!

    Since the sentence does not include any numbers, we will insert two additional random digits:
    Password: T7qbfjot3ld!

Password Lifecycle ()

  • Change your password regularly and frequently.
  • Change your password if you have reason to believe that someone might know it or is able to guess it.
  • Use a unique password for each platform or app.
  • Never re-use a password.

Password Protection ()

  • Do not write your password on a post-it, notebook or anywhere else.
  • Never store your password. The exception is in an encrypted form.
  • Never tell anyone your password. This also includes anyone calling from a 'company' or the website your are using. No serious company will EVER ask you for your password. (eg. Meeztech, Ebay, Amazon or even your own Bank)
  • Never send your password in an email
  • Make sure you only enter your password on website's that have a green lock in the address bar.
  • Make sure nobody watches you when entering your password.
  • Use a password manager to keep track of your passwords.
Go to our Password Generator